One of my main interests is Lighthouses, in particular the International Lighthouse weekend event in August each year. As the organizer and web master for this event one of my objectives is to encourage more participation by Australian amateurs in the event. We have hundreds of lighthouses around our vast coastline and it is a fairly simple matter to camp near one and fire up the rig and talk to other stations around the world who are doing the same thing.
I am also a member of Lighthouses of Australia Inc. whose basic objective is to create a higher profile for Australian lighthouses within Australia and Overseas and thereby promote their preservation and place within our history. In October 2002, the World Lighthouse Society commenced in the UK and I have also become a member of that organization. More information about this Society will appear here in the near future.
What is the connection between ham radio and lighthouses? This is a frequent question and answered by saying there is a very close link between the two. In a word, "communication". A lot of ham operators are ex-Service people who were in signals, worked in maritime coast stations, were radio operators in the Merchant Navy or had something in their life to do with safety at sea. Then there are those who, like me, just love lighthouses.
My Lighthouse interests have become large enough for a web site to be devoted to that topic alone. See link above.
Lighthouses of Australia
Learn About Lighthouses
Cape Otway Lighthouse
Safety at Sea - All About Lighthouses
My Lake Applets.
Lightning Videos - December 2014
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